MLK Holiday Closure: Office and Shop Closed on Monday January 20th
MLK Holiday Closure: Office and Shop Closed on Monday January 20th
Michigan Central Station – Ticket Booth and Carriage House Clock Recreation
Ford Motor Company purchased the Michigan Central Station building in 2018 and set out to bring it back to its former glory. Electric Time Company, Inc. was contacted shortly afterwards to provide initial budgets for the two clock projects on the project. The outdoor “Carriage House” clock would only need replica clock hands and a new clock movement. The original cast iron dial had mysteriously reappeared and would be reused.
The indoor “Ticket Booth” clock was to be recreated from a blurry archival photo. The owner wanted the clock to be as authentic as possible. Luckily a piece of the original sculptured dial was found and Electric Time’s sculptor was able to recreate the carved leaves and nuts that make up the beautiful dial. We provided templates and worked closely with a custom woodworker to create the stunning carved case around the clock dial, and a custom stone fabricator to create the background underneath the clock dial.
The end result was a wonderfully authentic recreation. Electric Time was proud to work with Quinn Evans Architects and The Christman/Brinker Company on the meticulous recreation of the original ticket booth clock.